
Grand Valley Police Department responds to reports of lost & found items valued at or above $100

失去了 & Found Frequently Asked Questions

If you have lost an item, regardless of value, please fill out a lost report online using the link below. Staff will attempt to match what you have lost with any similar items that may have been turned in to 失物招领处. You will be contacted if the item is found. 

Report a 失去了 Item

The Grand Valley Police Department will accept and manage property of major value, $100 and above. If the item you are seeking is valued at over $100, please fill out the lost report online 在上面的链接. All items of value are held for 6 months. 后 that time, items are donated to the Surplus Store or destroyed. 


The following locations will hold items of minor value for a short 时间段. Please contact these locations directly, depending on where you lost your item: 


Grand Rapids Campuses: 

IT handles recovered 闪存. 请致电 IT Service 桌子上 at (616) 331-2101 if you have lost a flash drive.

If you have found an item: 

  • For items with a value of $100 or more  (see question/answer below for guidance on item value), please bring to the 警察 部门 during business hours. See related question as to whether your item is valued over $100. 
  • For items with a value under $100  (see question/answer below for guidance on item value), please bring to the nearest 失物招领处 location so staff can attempt to identify and contact the owner, or attempt to match the item to items in the LOST database. 


Grand Rapids Campuses: 

If your wallet or purse (or other item containing personally identifying information) was lost or stolen, click the link below for information on the next steps to take to protect your identity. 


如果你曾经 notified that your lost item was found at any location other that the 警察 部门, please make arrangements with the location where it is being stored to pick it up. 


Because the Grand Valley Police Department is undergoing the accreditation process with CALEA, our 部门 is required to store all property turned into our personnel in evidence. 这需要 authorized personnel to release the property. 如果你曾经 notified that your property was turned in to the Grand Valley Police Department on either the 艾伦代尔 or Grand Rapids campuses, please fill out the form at the link below. Personnel from GVPD will contact you to arrange a time for your property to be released. 只有 fill out this form if you know for certain your property is in the 拥有GVPD. 

检索 My Property from GVPD

GVPD will accept found items valued over $100, including, but 不限于: 

  • Wallets containing $100 or more in cash. 
  • 笔记本电脑 
  • 平板电脑
  • 手机
  • 相机
  • 自行车
  • 现金超过100美元

Please bring any of these items to the 警察 部门 location on either the 艾伦代尔 or Grand Rapids campus, or call (616) 331-3255 to arrange for pick-up. Remember that GVPD will be required to log these items into evidence and arrangements will need to be made for release 致船东. This may delay return of the item 致船东. 

GVPD will not accept the following items, as they are not considered to be valued at over $100 (resale): 

  • Wallets containing less than $100 cash
  • Air Pods/wireless ear buds
  • 其他耳机
  • Keys (including key fobs)
  • 信用卡
  • Driver's licenses (or other ID)
  • 博天堂官方ID
  • 教科书
  • 礼品卡
  • Electronic chargers
  • Clothing of any kind
  • 人造珠宝
  • Backpacks containing no items of high value
  • 眼镜
  • 太阳镜

Please bring any of these items to the nearest drop-off location listed in the above question "我找到了一件东西. 我该怎么办??"

Page last modified January 11, 2022